Monday, 5 January 2009

Recession Crep (which im sure ive spelt wrong)

In his New Year speech, Gordan Brown finally announced that Britain is in a RECESSION!! Well derhh....
So when i saw this on my way to the bank (again, what a coincidence) i thought 'how fitting right?'. Then on the way back from the bank (which was a complete waste of time as i was served by the most stupid, useless, dandruff ridden man ever) i thought i'd snap the pic for you guys to see.

So......since when did no name all white baitman trainers become designer gear??? Don't waste your money on some REAL kicks instead!! lol
But all jokes aside, this recession is definitely affecting my sneaker if anyone with some fresh kicks lying around is reading this ...SEND ME SOME FREE SNEAKERS!!!!


1 comment:

mysticjo said...

that ad is a pile of crep

hehehe xx