Having got back into my fitness in the recent months, as well as trying to embody my company's ethos of 'empowering women through fitness'...i have since become more and more interested in running trainers/ apparel, running clubs, bikram yoga, circuit training, and Running.
So in light of this and with this year's london marathon upon us, me and a few
Sweaty Betties went down to the marathon to do some customer research, accosting the runners, and enjoying sunday's sunshine
I had never been to the london marathon before (shame on me!!! especially as i'm a londoner)so was so not prepared for the emotion that overwhelmed me once we arrived. To see so many people who had achieved something rather spectacular (26 miles aint no joke blud!)in honour of a loved one who had passed away, or in order to raise money for a specific charity was just ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! and to see so many people who had come down to cheer on the runners was just as lovely to witness.
So....emotions put on the back burn for a moment or two, i started snapping the runners and thier kicks which inturn gave me some great runnnig trainer knowledge.

Whilst snapping i came across loads of trainers that had red laces and i couldn't help but wonder why. was it a supersticious thing, a marathon tradition, had they been handed out to runners before the race??
Well a lovely lady sporting these popular laces, explained that they were to represent the heart assocaited charities such as the British Heart Foundation, which people were raising money for.

I also noticed this yellow gadget that many runners had (red laces or not) and found out that it was a really cool tracking device which allowed the runner to be located at any piont throughout the race by their followers. Send a simple text with the runners race number and thier exact location would be text back. Quite cool i thought as the route covered a vast area, with over 35,000 participants.

Tracking people, laces, times and STEPS!!! The best Pedometer snapped. I wonder what his number was??

*token mad marathon runner shot*
It was rather nice (although i'd never have thought) to be snapping some real trashy kicks. Trainers that had been worn in and worn out. Kicks that had aided these runners on their journey. And although i was secretly hoping to spot a runner with some great looking kicks (although in fairness i did), i was kinda glad that i hadn't. Comfortable, tried and tested kicks was an essential.
Job Done i guess