Wednesday, 18 November 2009

The Carter Documentary

We all love Weezy!!! Even with his dredlocked gremlim, cough syrup'd, New Orlean self. And when his album 'The Carter III' sold a million records in a week (pretty impressive!) he was firmly put on the top of the list of Rappers and male artists that were to be WATCHED for 09 and the coming milestone.

Having appeared on almost every recent award show possible, collaborated with just about everyone (even Jay Sean!! but not Miley Cyrus...yet!!!)brought us Hip Hop that rocked (literally. I'm sure this dude wants to be a rock star!)and served up one of the best lines of 09 "i got tattoo's on my face and these don't come out, (referring to the diamonds in his mouth) im a mutha furckin gangsta!!, Lil Wayne keeps up our interest in this weasel with The Carter Documentary. A behind the scenes look on Weezy's life as he goes on tour, promotes his album, chills with friends and family and does what those who have fame and money get up to.

However the feeling i get from the trailer is that life as Lil Wayne isnt necessarily all that we think its cracked up to be.

Lil Wayne's "The Carter Documentary" Trailer from LowKey on Vimeo.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Zone7style x The Other Side of the Pillow - Deadstock Sale

If you like Deadstock, 70s 80s 90s designer gear, sportswear, sunglasses, shoes, trainers, sneakers and loads more products you've probably never seen before. This is the place that you HAVE to get down to. With vintage items from Versace, Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, Ray Ban, Vans and Nike to mention a few, they'll be plenty of rarities to shop or fight for.

The Other Side of the Pillow (Vans deadstock aficionados) and Zone7style (collector Seth Bradley's website) teaming up to bring you these delights.

Zone7style x The Other Side of the Pillow - Deadstock Sale/exhibition.
21st November 09
Albert and Pearl
Upper Street, Islington, London
free entry.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Drop and dUMP!

Okay, i've got a huge apology to write! S O R R Y!!!!!! The post's have been rather uncoherent, fact, rather ABSENT! I been slacking ...what else can i say.

But im BACK like Chaka Khan! (did she even have a come back? *gassing!!*) As im feeling rather intrigued, enthused and dam right foolish by what i see:

10.Deep Winter 2009/2010 Photoshoot Preview from 10 Deep on Vimeo.
